Outputted Breed Bear Spawn Generate Create Induce Issue Procreate Produce Reproduce Result Turn out Originate Grow Do Make Manufacture Output Afford Push along
Goods, NSA, as follows
(a) in strips of a width not exceeding 15 cm;
(b) in rectangular (including square) sheets in which no side exceeds 36 cm, in the unfolded state;
(c) in rectangular sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm and the other side not exc
المستورد من قبل المصانع كمدخلات انتاج
Goods, as follows
(a) in strips or rolls of a width not exceeding 15 cm;
(b) in rectangular (including square) sheets in which no side exceeds 36 cm, in the unfolded state;
(c) in rectangular sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm and the other side not